The people in the BI department in Tel Aviv’s city hall are delightful to learn from; they are well aware of their constituency’s needs, always happy to help, and eager to develop their department. It’s great to live in a city with this kind of bureaucrat. Unsurprisingly, after such experiences I have been happy to work on a few projects for the City of Tel Aviv.
Property Tax Collection Center
This project is a great example of how a simple addition to the interface can make a huge change in a workspace.
I was approached “because I was there,” with a request to help with a redesign of the screen that is seen in the Tel Aviv property tax collection center. I got the idea to look at profile search interfaces such as Facebook and LinkedIn and suggested a visual solution, to post a profile picture of each tax district’s team manager, with the aim of motivating each of them to strive for first place. I also added a fire icon that automatically brings up tax collection rankings for each time period.
After a few weeks the BI team manager called to tell me it was a big success, that the team managers were using the fire icon as a point of competition. Most importantly of all: tax collection numbers rose.
The City Hall Call Center
For this system, users can retrieve information about incoming calls to the 106 Service Center, incoming and outgoing call counts, response times, service time, how long a call lasted, etc. This allows incoming users to evaluate the quality of their representatives by evaluating the effectiveness of the call center.
Digitel® Events
Tel Aviv City Hall offers its residents an amazing service card called Digitel. Digitel gets one discounts at city museums, parking garages, and other facilities/events sponsored by the city, including free entrance-plus-one to events organized by City Hall. Our users can immediately see how many people have claimed tickets for a sponsored venue, see the event capacity, and immediately determine whether or not they would like to reserve attendance for their party.
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